

Description: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldestbeverages, you are tasked with retrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, whichprovides data on the breweries in paginated responses. Build a loop that makes successive requests to each pageof the API until all data is retrieved.Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/ Node 11Generate QueryNode 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Keep only responseLength of responseNode 25Switch to end loop if Length < 1000Node 27 GET Request String Manipulation Table Creator RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Math Formula Column Filter String Manipulation Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable ConstantValue Column DataView Process Data Description: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldestbeverages, you are tasked with retrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, whichprovides data on the breweries in paginated responses. Build a loop that makes successive requests to each pageof the API until all data is retrieved.Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/ Node 11Generate QueryNode 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Keep only responseLength of responseNode 25Switch to end loop if Length < 1000Node 27GET Request String Manipulation Table Creator RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Math Formula Column Filter String Manipulation Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable ConstantValue Column DataView Process Data


