
3. Loop on List of Columns

Loop on List of Columns
Workflow: Loop on List of Columns This workflow reads the dataset created by the the workflow named "Counting Loop 2".1. Of all the Cluster_Membership columns only one is kept (they are all the same anyway).2. Columns from different iterations (#iter i) are then processed differently.To do that we loop over all columns and one by one we process them using a Column List Loop Start node. color by clusteron two columns:Cluster_Membershipdummydatavizoriginal dataremoveCluster_Membership*removeCluster_Membershipcurrent column nameto temp_columncolumn = column *(factor)current column nameto temp_columndataviz new datacheck the data rangefor each group of data(Iter #)re-include Cluster_Membershipdefine factor depending on column groupNode 57Data.csvgenerated by workflow Counting Loop 2 Color Manager Column ListLoop Start Scatter Plot Column Filter Column Filter Column Rename Math Formula Column Rename Scatter Plot Joiner define factor Loop End (ColumnAppend) CSV Reader Workflow: Loop on List of Columns This workflow reads the dataset created by the the workflow named "Counting Loop 2".1. Of all the Cluster_Membership columns only one is kept (they are all the same anyway).2. Columns from different iterations (#iter i) are then processed differently.To do that we loop over all columns and one by one we process them using a Column List Loop Start node. color by clusteron two columns:Cluster_Membershipdummydatavizoriginal dataremoveCluster_Membership*removeCluster_Membershipcurrent column nameto temp_columncolumn = column *(factor)current column nameto temp_columndataviz new datacheck the data rangefor each group of data(Iter #)re-include Cluster_Membershipdefine factor depending on column groupNode 57Data.csvgenerated by workflow Counting Loop 2Color Manager Column ListLoop Start Scatter Plot Column Filter Column Filter Column Rename Math Formula Column Rename Scatter Plot Joiner define factor Loop End (ColumnAppend) CSV Reader


