
x. Enron Fraud Detection

Suspicious Activities Detection Using GPT Ingest data into Elasticsearch: To execute this section, you will need to provide the cloud id, elasticsearch username and password, and the indexname. Node 1Node 3OpenAI api keyNode 8Node 10LLM promptNode 965Node 967Node 968Create Elasticsearch IndexIndex nameNode 977cloud_idElastic passwordingest data into ElasticsearchNode 981Elastic usernameNode 986 OpenAIAuthenticator Local File BrowserConfiguration CredentialsConfiguration LLM Prompter OpenAI LLMConnector String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation Color Manager MISSINGPython Script StringConfiguration Merge Variables StringConfiguration StringConfiguration MISSINGPython Script Table to JSON StringConfiguration PST Reader Suspicious Activities Detection Using GPT Ingest data into Elasticsearch: To execute this section, you will need to provide the cloud id, elasticsearch username and password, and the indexname. Node 1Node 3OpenAI api keyNode 8Node 10LLM promptNode 965Node 967Node 968Create Elasticsearch IndexIndex nameNode 977cloud_idElastic passwordingest data into ElasticsearchNode 981Elastic usernameNode 986OpenAIAuthenticator Local File BrowserConfiguration CredentialsConfiguration LLM Prompter OpenAI LLMConnector String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation Color Manager MISSINGPython Script StringConfiguration Merge Variables StringConfiguration StringConfiguration MISSINGPython Script Table to JSON StringConfiguration PST Reader


