

This directory contains 13 workflows.


This workflows shows how to train a model for named-entity recognition. The model can be created with the StanfordNLP NE Learner node which creates a […]


<h5>Network Analytics meets Text Processing</h5><hr><p>This workflow combines two pre-processing techniques: network analytics and text processing.The goal […]


R Theme River Creates theme river using ggplot2. Note, that the R package ggplot2 hast to be installed in order to execute the R View node. The path to the […]

IconRomeo and Juliet 

Romeo and Juliet The challenge here is to blend together text and image data. Text data is in epub format while images are in JPEG format. The goal is to […]


RSS Feed Reader This workflows downloads the most recent New York Times news feeds, extracts the titles and text, recognizes named entities in the news and […]


Sentiment Analysis (Classification) of Documents with NGram Features This workflow shows how to import text from a csv file, convert it to documents, […]


Redfield NLP Nodes: spaCy example A simple workflow demonstrating how to utilize all spaCy nodes in KNIME. The example is given for Portuguese texts from […]

IconTerm Cooccurrences 

Term Co-occurrences Term co-occurrences of all term pairs are counted on sentence and document level. A unique ID is created for each unique terms of pair. […]


IS Literature Mining with Topic Detection (LDA) This workflow shows how to extract topics from the input data presented as an Excel file. It uses the […]


Forecasting Box-Office Success of Movies with Plot Summaries This workflow shows how to predict box-office success categories using only plot summaries […]