

Sentiment Analysis (Classification) of Documents
The workflow reads IMDb, Yelp and Amazon reviews, pre-processes the documents and trains two models to predict thesentiment of reviews. This workflow is based on this one workflow https://kni.me/w/ZHAExldZ5M7q6hdG Data Import and Preprocessing Predictive Modeling and Scoring Extract sentimentlabelColor by sentimentlabelTraining / test setTransformation of strings to documentsPreprocessing of documentsCreate bit vectorsfor documentsSe usa el dataset de Kotzias et. alNode 366 Category To Class Color Manager Partitioning Decision TreePredictor Document Creation Preprocessing DecisionTree Learner Document Vector XGBoost Tree EnsembleLearner (deprecated) XGBoost Predictor Column Appender Column Filter Scorer Scorer Obtener Datos Document DataExtractor Dashboard The workflow reads IMDb, Yelp and Amazon reviews, pre-processes the documents and trains two models to predict thesentiment of reviews. This workflow is based on this one workflow https://kni.me/w/ZHAExldZ5M7q6hdG Data Import and Preprocessing Predictive Modeling and Scoring Extract sentimentlabelColor by sentimentlabelTraining / test setTransformation of strings to documentsPreprocessing of documentsCreate bit vectorsfor documentsSe usa el dataset de Kotzias et. alNode 366Category To Class Color Manager Partitioning Decision TreePredictor Document Creation Preprocessing DecisionTree Learner Document Vector XGBoost Tree EnsembleLearner (deprecated) XGBoost Predictor Column Appender Column Filter Scorer Scorer Obtener Datos Document DataExtractor Dashboard


