

Workflow to call the Google Vision Text detection API. Results are transformed to a W3C annotation format and written to json files and/or local MongoDB.

make pathto contentmake pathto metadataNode 49send requestsee local file for keyNode 52Node 53get textmake URIOCR requestNode 254filter emptyannotationtemplateNode 259Node 262annotation-identifierNode 264Node 265Node 266Node 268SET CP variablemakePOST requestTESTERNode 328Node 329String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) base64 encode POST Request Loop End(deprecated) Chunk Loop Start JSON Path String Manipulation String to Path(Variable) Row Filter ConstantValue Column String to JSON JSON Transformer Date&Time Input String Manipulation MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer MongoDB Reader JSON Path Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) Row Filter MongoDB Connector JSON Writer Column Filter make pathto contentmake pathto metadataNode 49send requestsee local file for keyNode 52Node 53get textmake URIOCR requestNode 254filter emptyannotationtemplateNode 259Node 262annotation-identifierNode 264Node 265Node 266Node 268SET CP variablemakePOST requestTESTERNode 328Node 329String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) base64 encode POST Request Loop End(deprecated) Chunk Loop Start JSON Path String Manipulation String to Path(Variable) Row Filter ConstantValue Column String to JSON JSON Transformer Date&Time Input String Manipulation MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer MongoDB Reader JSON Path Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) Row Filter MongoDB Connector JSON Writer Column Filter


