

Challenge 01: Comparing Exchange Rates

This workflow compares the daily exchange rates of US dollar vs 8 other currencies from 1980 to 1998.
Linear interpolation has been used to fill in missing values in the data.
The data can be visualized in linear, normalized or logarithmic format using a selection widget.
The linear correlation between the different exchange rates has been calculated and displayed in an interactive heat map.

Which currencies had the highest positive/negative correlation?
- Highest positive correlation between Germany, Switzerland and Denmark with values between 0.98 and 0.99
- Highest negative correlation between Australia and Japan at around -0.6

Which currencies were not correlated, or had a low correlation?
- No correlation between Canada and Germany with a value of 0.0015

Challenge 01: Comparing Exchange RatesThis workflow compares the daily exchange rates of US dollar vs 8 other currencies from 1980 to 1998.Linear interpolation has been used to fill in missing values in the data.The data can be visualized in linear, normalized or logarithmic format using a selection widget.The linear correlation between the different exchange rates has been calculated and displayed in an interactive heat map. Which currencies had the highest positive/negative correlation? - Highest positive correlation between Germany, Switzerland and Denmark with values between 0.98 and 0.99 - Highest negative correlation between Australia and Japan at around -0.6Which currencies were not correlated, or had a low correlation? - No correlation between Canada and Germany with a value of 0.0015 ExchangeRate DataConvertString Date toDate TypeLinear Interpolationof MissingValuesSelect Whether toDisplay Linear, Normalizedor Logarithmic Data Table Reader String to Date&Time Missing Value Calculate Correlation ForBoth Raw and Normalized Data Challenge 01: Comparing Exchange RatesThis workflow compares the daily exchange rates of US dollar vs 8 other currencies from 1980 to 1998.Linear interpolation has been used to fill in missing values in the data.The data can be visualized in linear, normalized or logarithmic format using a selection widget.The linear correlation between the different exchange rates has been calculated and displayed in an interactive heat map. Which currencies had the highest positive/negative correlation? - Highest positive correlation between Germany, Switzerland and Denmark with values between 0.98 and 0.99 - Highest negative correlation between Australia and Japan at around -0.6Which currencies were not correlated, or had a low correlation? - No correlation between Canada and Germany with a value of 0.0015 ExchangeRate DataConvertString Date toDate TypeLinear Interpolationof MissingValuesSelect Whether toDisplay Linear, Normalizedor Logarithmic Data Table Reader String to Date&Time Missing Value Calculate Correlation ForBoth Raw and Normalized Data


