

pc6relevantzipcodesfire stationnew locationfire stationsactualfirestationold locationzipcode = hometowncalculatedistance & traveltimecalculatedistance & traveltimejoin geometryProject to EPSG:3857 that uses meter as unit for distancesGeoPackage Reader Geospatial View Rule-basedRow Filter Rule Engine Column Filter Row Filter OSM POIs Row Filter ConstantValue Column Rule-basedRow Filter OSRM DistanceMatrix OSRM DistanceMatrix Joiner Joiner Projection data prep Line Plot(JavaScript) pc6relevantzipcodesfire stationnew locationfire stationsactualfirestationold locationzipcode = hometowncalculatedistance & traveltimecalculatedistance & traveltimejoin geometryProject to EPSG:3857 that uses meter as unit for distancesGeoPackage Reader Geospatial View Rule-basedRow Filter Rule Engine Column Filter Row Filter OSM POIs Row Filter ConstantValue Column Rule-basedRow Filter OSRM DistanceMatrix OSRM DistanceMatrix Joiner Joiner Projection data prep Line Plot(JavaScript)


