
walmart_​project 1

TrainFeaturesStoresNode 4Node 5Node 6Node 8Node 18Node 26Node 49Node 76Node 77M5 missingNode 79Node 80Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 84Node 85Node 86CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner Joiner Column Filter String to Number date manipulation Missing valuesvisualization predictors formissing value Random ForestPrediction Markdown 1 Random froestprediction Markdown 2 Row Splitter Random Forest Learner(Regression) Random Forest Predictor(Regression) Column Merger Column Filter Concatenate Random Forestprediction Markdown 3 Random Forestprediction Markdown 4 CSV Writer TrainFeaturesStoresNode 4Node 5Node 6Node 8Node 18Node 26Node 49Node 76Node 77M5 missingNode 79Node 80Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 84Node 85Node 86CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner Joiner Column Filter String to Number date manipulation Missing valuesvisualization predictors formissing value Random ForestPrediction Markdown 1 Random froestprediction Markdown 2 Row Splitter Random Forest Learner(Regression) Random Forest Predictor(Regression) Column Merger Column Filter Concatenate Random Forestprediction Markdown 3 Random Forestprediction Markdown 4 CSV Writer


