
Just KNIME It S03 _​ CH07 _​ Image Resizer and Format Converter

You work as a freelance photo reporter for wildlife magazines. In your daily work you take a lot of pictures, usually in .JPG format and in different sizes. To be able to sell your photographs to magazines, you need to accommodate their different sizing and formatting requests. To streamline this process, you decide to build a workflow that automates the following, sequentially:

Author: @roberto_cadili

URL: Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 7 - Dataset https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%203%20-%20Datasets/Challenge%207%20-%20Dataset~wGbg5KjTPkedtdRL/?pk_vid=bbd5166777d8919c1719614667b5db68

Just KNIME It - Season3 - Challenge 07: Image Resizer and Format Converterhttps://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~MdKgTXotXdkcS1VU/current-state/ JKI S03 CH 07 Visualizations read challenge images from KNIME HUBKNIME/URL [images]KNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 07 - Datasetcompile [images_URL] set variable$images_URL$ to setaddress source$download_id$Tasks:(1) Image resizing(2) image format conversion(3) save edited images Image Reader Table Creator Table Rowto Variable GroupBy Joiner RowID Image Resizer andFormat Converter Just KNIME It - Season3 - Challenge 07: Image Resizer and Format Converterhttps://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~MdKgTXotXdkcS1VU/current-state/ JKI S03 CH 07 Visualizations read challenge images from KNIME HUBKNIME/URL [images]KNIME Community Hub > alinebessa > Spaces > Just KNIME It! Season 3 - Datasets > Challenge 07 - Datasetcompile [images_URL] set variable$images_URL$ to setaddress source$download_id$Tasks:(1) Image resizing(2) image format conversion(3) save edited images Image Reader Table Creator Table Rowto Variable GroupBy Joiner RowID Image Resizer andFormat Converter


