
Estimation Estimasi Linear Regression SIB6NF


Workflow menjelaskan tentang Buku-buku populer pada web Goodreads.

Workflow ini sebagai pemenuhan tugas final Project SIB-6 Academy Codeless Data Science (ACDS) NF Academy.

Workflow explains popular books on the Goodreads website.

This workflow fulfills the final assignment of the NF Academy SIB-6 Academy Codeless Data Science (ACDS) Project.

Dataset : good_reads_top_1000_books.csv
Link dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/prishasawhney/good-reads-top-1000-books

Group-2 Kelompok-5

Muhammad Ammar Fauzan, Aliya Andra, Dimas Fahreza, Iksan hanif,Rosalie Naurah Husna

URL: Estimation with Linear Regression https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/prishasawhney/good-reads-top-1000-books

Read Datasetgood_reads_top_1000_books.csvdata normalization using the Z-Score method.Spliting data80% : Data train20% Data TestBuild a linear regression modelApply the trained regression model.Evaluate the performance of predictive models that produce numerical values.exploration of initial data and understanding the distribution and basic characteristics of the data.Calculates the rank correlation between two sets of ordinal data or numeric data converted into ranks.CSV Reader Normalizer Partitioning Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Numeric Scorer Statistics Book Reads DashboardVisualization Rank Correlation Read Datasetgood_reads_top_1000_books.csvdata normalization using the Z-Score method.Spliting data80% : Data train20% Data TestBuild a linear regression modelApply the trained regression model.Evaluate the performance of predictive models that produce numerical values.exploration of initial data and understanding the distribution and basic characteristics of the data.Calculates the rank correlation between two sets of ordinal data or numeric data converted into ranks.CSV Reader Normalizer Partitioning Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Numeric Scorer Statistics Book Reads DashboardVisualization Rank Correlation


