
SIB-6 Academy Codeless Data Science NF_​Academy

This directory contains 13 workflows.

IconAssociation A priori, Clustering K-means, Classification Decision Tree train and deploy sib6nf 

Each method serves a different purpose. The association method is used for identifying relationships between different attributes within the data, the […]

IconAssociation Asosiasi A Priori SIB6 

Applying the Association Method with the Market Basket Analysis (MBA) Case using the Apriori Algorithm to identify customer purchasing patterns based on the […]

IconClassification and Assosiation Naive Bayes Dataset Netflix SIB6NF 

Classification Process The classification process uses the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify the "Type" column in the Netflix_titles1 dataset into "Movie" […]

IconClassification klasifikasi Decision Tree train SIB6NF 

Proyek ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan box office bagi studio film dan bioskop melalui analisis mendalam data penjualan tiket dan tren pasar. […]

IconClassification Klasifikasi Naive Bayes SIB6NF(2) 

The workflow explains the Profile Data Analysis of orders with a High Risk of Accidents using the Classification Method on the KNIME Analytics Platform This […]

IconClassification Klasifikasi SVM Dataset Bank sib6nf 

Workflow ini di buat untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak yang berlangganan deposito atau tidak dengan tujuan memberikan tingkat pemasaran yang sesuai dengan […]

IconClassification_​Naive Bayes_​SIB6NF 

Pada dataset Training di cari tahu 5 faktor utama dalam penyebab terjadinya kankerparu-paru menggunakan Node Rank Correlation. Workflow ini sebagai […]

IconClassification_​Using_​Logistic_​Regression_​and_​SVM _​SIB6NF 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- The workflow explains classification using 2 logistic regression algorithms and SVM, a […]