

Train a Random Forest model for fraud detection.Simple Fraud Detection case, aim here is see in action the Integrated Deployment KNIME nodes that areeasily capturing the different parts of the workflow facilitating change the workflow a re-deploy to aproduction enviroment Capturing Model Training Fraud Transaction DatasetSyntethic data for the Fraud Transaction table was created following this online resource: https://fraud-detection-handbook.github.io/fraud-detection-handbook/Chapter_3_GettingStarted/SimulatedDataset.html Capturing Input as a JSON Capturing Output as a JSON from Model Training output Combining the captured parts ofthe workflow 70 % Training30 % TestingClass = FraudInput Capture Starts Input Capture Ends Model Capture StartsModel Capture EndsOutput Caputre StartsOutput Capture EndsJSON InputProducing a JSON OutputCombiningINPUT + MODEL + OUTPUTMaking callablethe workflowConvert Table data fromthe model to JSONMaking Callablethe workflowTransactions infofrom DBJSON input to tablefor the modelDatabase Connector Partitioning Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerOutput (JSON) Workflow Combiner WorkflowService Output Table to JSON WorkflowService Input DB Query Reader Threshold Generator JSON to Table Train a Random Forest model for fraud detection.Simple Fraud Detection case, aim here is see in action the Integrated Deployment KNIME nodes that areeasily capturing the different parts of the workflow facilitating change the workflow a re-deploy to aproduction enviroment Capturing Model Training Fraud Transaction DatasetSyntethic data for the Fraud Transaction table was created following this online resource: https://fraud-detection-handbook.github.io/fraud-detection-handbook/Chapter_3_GettingStarted/SimulatedDataset.html Capturing Input as a JSON Capturing Output as a JSON from Model Training output Combining the captured parts ofthe workflow 70 % Training30 % TestingClass = FraudInput Capture Starts Input Capture Ends Model Capture StartsModel Capture EndsOutput Caputre StartsOutput Capture EndsJSON InputProducing a JSON OutputCombiningINPUT + MODEL + OUTPUTMaking callablethe workflowConvert Table data fromthe model to JSONMaking Callablethe workflowTransactions infofrom DBJSON input to tablefor the modelDatabase Connector Partitioning Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerOutput (JSON) Workflow Combiner WorkflowService Output Table to JSON WorkflowService Input DB Query Reader Threshold Generator JSON to Table


