
Exploratory analysis of ACFM image data

Interactive QC dashboard facilitating an overview of the data QC with grids reporting per-well image focus scores, image totals, and percent of images filtered, and a per-wellbreakdown of each QC filter.To view, right click node and select "interactive view." Interactive data subsetting to explore single cell data bycompound, concentration, and experiment replicateTo view, right click node and select "interactive view." Tiled image sets are retrieved corresponding tosingle data points selected in scatterplot. Tiles can be inspected using the ImgPlus viewermode, which is accessed by double clicking onany of the images. Open the node in image viewer mode, not tableview mode for this to work. Exploratory data analysis and quality control for automated confocal feedback imagingof Plasmodium berghei liver stage parasites. The data included here contains all ACFM images generated for the concentration-reponse analysis in Fig. 1 of :McLellan, J. L., & Hanson, K. K. (2023). Translation inhibition efficacy does not determine the Plasmodium berghei liver stageantiplasmodial efficacy of protein synthesis inhibitors. bioRxiv, 2023.2012.2007.570699. doi:10.1101/2023.12.07.570699 1) Right click the dose scatter plot component and select "interactive view" 2) Using the data selection tools (box select or lasso select) choose 1 or more outliers marked in red. *Note - default settings control zoom, you must click box/lasso buttons to make selection or downstreamnodes will not function.3) Apply selection (temporary change or default) at bottom right of the window or, by simply closing window.4) Execute ImgPlus node, then right-click and select "view: interactive viewer".5) Double click on any of the selected image rows to expand viewer mode. This workflow and the underlying data wasgenerated in the Hanson Lab in theDepartment of Molecular Microbiology andImmunology and STCEID at the University ofTexas at San Antonio. Questions about thescientific data should be directed to KirstenHanson (kirsten.hanson@utsa.edu).Questions about the workflow can be directedto either James McLellan(james.mclellan@utsa.edu) or KirstenHanson. Tiled imageviewertiled imageretrievedselect data points for tiled imaged inspection Normalizationand Data Jitter PNG Imageto ImgPlus Tile Puller Interactive Scatterplot forExploratory Data Analysis Image QC File Reader dose responsescatter plot READ ME Data QC dashboard Change Log Interactive QC dashboard facilitating an overview of the data QC with grids reporting per-well image focus scores, image totals, and percent of images filtered, and a per-wellbreakdown of each QC filter.To view, right click node and select "interactive view." Interactive data subsetting to explore single cell data bycompound, concentration, and experiment replicateTo view, right click node and select "interactive view." Tiled image sets are retrieved corresponding tosingle data points selected in scatterplot. Tiles can be inspected using the ImgPlus viewermode, which is accessed by double clicking onany of the images. Open the node in image viewer mode, not tableview mode for this to work. Exploratory data analysis and quality control for automated confocal feedback imagingof Plasmodium berghei liver stage parasites. The data included here contains all ACFM images generated for the concentration-reponse analysis in Fig. 1 of :McLellan, J. L., & Hanson, K. K. (2023). Translation inhibition efficacy does not determine the Plasmodium berghei liver stageantiplasmodial efficacy of protein synthesis inhibitors. bioRxiv, 2023.2012.2007.570699. doi:10.1101/2023.12.07.570699 1) Right click the dose scatter plot component and select "interactive view" 2) Using the data selection tools (box select or lasso select) choose 1 or more outliers marked in red. *Note - default settings control zoom, you must click box/lasso buttons to make selection or downstreamnodes will not function.3) Apply selection (temporary change or default) at bottom right of the window or, by simply closing window.4) Execute ImgPlus node, then right-click and select "view: interactive viewer".5) Double click on any of the selected image rows to expand viewer mode. This workflow and the underlying data wasgenerated in the Hanson Lab in theDepartment of Molecular Microbiology andImmunology and STCEID at the University ofTexas at San Antonio. Questions about thescientific data should be directed to KirstenHanson (kirsten.hanson@utsa.edu).Questions about the workflow can be directedto either James McLellan(james.mclellan@utsa.edu) or KirstenHanson. Tiled imageviewertiled imageretrievedselect data points for tiled imaged inspection Normalizationand Data Jitter PNG Imageto ImgPlus Tile Puller Interactive Scatterplot forExploratory Data Analysis Image QC File Reader dose responsescatter plot READ ME Data QC dashboard Change Log


