

03 DB Modelling Exercise Solution

Big Data Course DB Exercise #3 Solution

Missing Values Strategy: 03_Modelling This workflow implements a predictor for the COW class of the newCensus.sqlite dataset. 1. It connects to the newCensus.sqlite database (SQLite) to read the ss13pme table 2. filters data through in-database manipulation 3. trains and applies a decision tree to fix COW values where missing newCensus.sqliteselect * from ss13pmeremovePUMA* &PWGTP*COW is not NULLCOW is NULLremove COWimport all rows where COW is NOT NULLCOW to stringimport all rows whereCOW is NULLpredict COWappend predictedCOW column SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Column Filter DB Row Filter DB Row Filter DB Column Filter DB Reader Number To String DB Reader DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Missing Values Strategy: 03_Modelling This workflow implements a predictor for the COW class of the newCensus.sqlite dataset. 1. It connects to the newCensus.sqlite database (SQLite) to read the ss13pme table 2. filters data through in-database manipulation 3. trains and applies a decision tree to fix COW values where missing newCensus.sqliteselect * from ss13pmeremovePUMA* &PWGTP*COW is not NULLCOW is NULLremove COWimport all rows where COW is NOT NULLCOW to stringimport all rows whereCOW is NULLpredict COWappend predictedCOW columnSQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Column Filter DB Row Filter DB Row Filter DB Column Filter DB Reader Number To String DB Reader DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor


