
Idle Time Calculator

This workflow is a modification of https://hub.knime.com/hanss/spaces/Public/latest/forum_flows/Calculate%20working%20daysIt takes a table with at two columns(start and end date), as well as a table with the number of idlehours per week day as inputs and calculates the total number of idle hours between those twodates. extract min & maxdates for entire date rangecreate calenderday of weeksum idle timesAdd start dateAdd end dateStart and End DatesNode 81Node 82Idle time per week dayNode 84Node 86Node 87Node 88Node 89Node 90 GroupBy Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Rule-basedRow Filter GroupBy ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Loop End Table Creator Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Table Creator String to Duration Joiner ExtractDuration Fields Math Formula Column Filter Column Resorter This workflow is a modification of https://hub.knime.com/hanss/spaces/Public/latest/forum_flows/Calculate%20working%20daysIt takes a table with at two columns(start and end date), as well as a table with the number of idlehours per week day as inputs and calculates the total number of idle hours between those twodates. extract min & maxdates for entire date rangecreate calenderday of weeksum idle timesAdd start dateAdd end dateStart and End DatesNode 81Node 82Idle time per week dayNode 84Node 86Node 87Node 88Node 89Node 90GroupBy Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Rule-basedRow Filter GroupBy ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Loop End Table Creator Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Table Creator String to Duration Joiner ExtractDuration Fields Math Formula Column Filter Column Resorter


