

Simple workflow to reformat a text output from Scifinder-n to a 2D-table useable e.g. in Excel.
Updated metanode #27
Please note that the regex split in node #27 isn't ideal but may server as proof of concept.

UPDATE: obsolete? Scifinder seems to have updated their export format leaving this somewhat obsolete. Unless someone else has or wants to give this a go if deemed necessary?

Simple re-formatting of Scifinder-n text export of a reference hit list to an 2D-table usable in e.g. Excelobsolete? Scifinder seems to have updated their export format leaving this somewhatobsolete. Unless someone else has or wants to give this a go if deemed necessary? Read Scifinder-nplain text outputremoveuninteresting data(optional)choose columnsyou want to keepin your outputNode 27Node 28File Reader Column Filter Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Data clean &header extraction Reformatting Simple re-formatting of Scifinder-n text export of a reference hit list to an 2D-table usable in e.g. Excelobsolete? Scifinder seems to have updated their export format leaving this somewhatobsolete. Unless someone else has or wants to give this a go if deemed necessary? Read Scifinder-nplain text outputremoveuninteresting data(optional)choose columnsyou want to keepin your outputNode 27Node 28File Reader Column Filter Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Data clean &header extraction Reformatting


