
Links From Text

Links From Text
Prepare URL to Text File Count Links Extract Links Identify Domains Count Domains Identify Web at Large Links Identify Web Archive Links Get TextNode 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 17Node 19Node 20Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Load list of publication domainsNode 29Node 31Node 32Add all links sheetNode 37Node 38Add link counts sheetAdd domain counts sheetAdd web at large domain counts sheetAdd web at large links sheetLoad List of PDF URLsLoad list of web archive domainsNode 45Add web archive links sheetAdd web archive domain counts sheetNode 48Node 49 GET Request Cell Splitter Column Rename Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Java Snippet Column Filter Ungroup Value Counter Cell Splitter Column Filter Column Rename ReferenceRow Filter CSV Reader Value Counter Row Filter Column Filter Excel Writer Sorter Sorter Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Reader CSV Reader ReferenceRow Filter Excel Writer Excel Writer Sorter Value Counter Prepare URL to Text File Count Links Extract Links Identify Domains Count Domains Identify Web at Large Links Identify Web Archive Links Get TextNode 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 17Node 19Node 20Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Load list of publication domainsNode 29Node 31Node 32Add all links sheetNode 37Node 38Add link counts sheetAdd domain counts sheetAdd web at large domain counts sheetAdd web at large links sheetLoad List of PDF URLsLoad list of web archive domainsNode 45Add web archive links sheetAdd web archive domain counts sheetNode 48Node 49GET Request Cell Splitter Column Rename Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Java Snippet Column Filter Ungroup Value Counter Cell Splitter Column Filter Column Rename ReferenceRow Filter CSV Reader Value Counter Row Filter Column Filter Excel Writer Sorter Sorter Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Writer Excel Reader CSV Reader ReferenceRow Filter Excel Writer Excel Writer Sorter Value Counter


