Send to Power BI (chunked)

WARNING: The execution of this component may take several hours.

Send a table to Power BI that has more than 1Mio rows. Power BI only allows to upload 1Mio rows to a single dataset per hour. Therefore, this component waits for a specified amount of time (usually 65min) between uploading a specified amount of rows (usually 1Mio) to Power BI.


Rows per chunk (default: 1M)
Number of rows to upload per chunk. The Power BI REST API allows to upload 1M rows per hour per dataset. Therefore 1M is a good choise for this number.
Waiting time (min)
Minutes to wait between uploads.
Dataset name
The name of the dataset to create.
Table name
The name of the table in the dataset to upload.

Input Ports

Microsoft Connection that provides user authentication.
Data to be send to Power BI.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


