
MoMa_​nonexecuted.knar good

Since this workflow exceeded the capacity of50MB, it is resetted and thus it is needed toexecute the workflow again. The links for the datasets can be found below. Indulgence scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3bOYOqTEKM45cKG0KUbwvuDr6jrI2DTiRW7T5M189c/edit?usp=sharing ArtWorks Moma Full data: https://github.com/MuseumofModernArt/collection/blob/master/Artists.csv (Create a Knime URL and use thelink: https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/MuseumofModernArt/collection/master/Artworks.csvNRC Emoticon Lexicon 2017: http://saifmohammad.com/WebPages/lexicons.html ArtWorks MomaFull dataDummies male and femaleDocument creationDictionary and POS taggingRetrieving #termsCreates a column containing anindividual tag typeOnly keep dates that have a nummeric value of ????Sentiment analysis emotional words appliedChange Sentiment with value ? to no valuePartitioning and documentLinear regressionInclude indulgence rate for all nationalitiesRename sentiments to original namesAssign different emotions to indulgence scoresCount the nationality of artistsCount for nationality representation CSV Reader Dummy Variables Bag Of WordsCreator Enrichment Term To String Document DataExtractor Tags To String Date Variable Document Viewer Cell Splitter Document Creation Testing Indulgence rate Rename Sentiments Emotions list- Charts Filter and Group GroupBy Value Counter Value Counter Since this workflow exceeded the capacity of50MB, it is resetted and thus it is needed toexecute the workflow again. The links for the datasets can be found below. Indulgence scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3bOYOqTEKM45cKG0KUbwvuDr6jrI2DTiRW7T5M189c/edit?usp=sharing ArtWorks Moma Full data: https://github.com/MuseumofModernArt/collection/blob/master/Artists.csv (Create a Knime URL and use thelink: https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/MuseumofModernArt/collection/master/Artworks.csvNRC Emoticon Lexicon 2017: http://saifmohammad.com/WebPages/lexicons.html ArtWorks MomaFull dataDummies male and femaleDocument creationDictionary and POS taggingRetrieving #termsCreates a column containing anindividual tag typeOnly keep dates that have a nummeric value of ????Sentiment analysis emotional words appliedChange Sentiment with value ? to no valuePartitioning and documentLinear regressionInclude indulgence rate for all nationalitiesRename sentiments to original namesAssign different emotions to indulgence scoresCount the nationality of artistsCount for nationality representation CSV Reader Dummy Variables Bag Of WordsCreator Enrichment Term To String Document DataExtractor Tags To String Date Variable Document Viewer Cell Splitter Document Creation Testing Indulgence rate Rename Sentiments Emotions list- Charts Filter and Group GroupBy Value Counter Value Counter


