
z-score for time series outlier detection

This simple workflow demonstrates as to how to discover outliers in a time series using z-score technique. This technique fails toi discover all outliers.

URL: Outlier detection techniques https://www.kaggle.com/code/alexeslava/outlier-detection-techniques-for-time-series

Generate a sine wave. Add few noisy outliers. Discover them using z-score.This technique doe not discover all the outliers Refer: Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/code/alexeslava/outlier-detection-techniques-for-time-series transform yas z-scoredecidewhich yare outliersbased on abs(y)create var: zdefault: 2adda column'outlier' with value as False decidecolor ofoutlierstakeabs(y)scatter plotoft vs ydata: t vs ysine wavewith noisesine wavewith noise Normalizer Rule Engine DoubleConfiguration ConstantValue Column Color Manager Math Formula Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Table Reader Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Line Plot(JavaScript) Generate a sine wave. Add few noisy outliers. Discover them using z-score.This technique doe not discover all the outliers Refer: Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/code/alexeslava/outlier-detection-techniques-for-time-series transform yas z-scoredecidewhich yare outliersbased on abs(y)create var: zdefault: 2adda column'outlier' with value as False decidecolor ofoutlierstakeabs(y)scatter plotoft vs ydata: t vs ysine wavewith noisesine wavewith noise Normalizer Rule Engine DoubleConfiguration ConstantValue Column Color Manager Math Formula Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Table Reader Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Line Plot(JavaScript)


