

Discovering relationships in features--Heart Disease
Relationship between two cat features Relationship between numeric and cat feature Relative importance ofnumeric feature wrt target Is there structure in data? Relative importance of numericfeature wrt target Independence of cat feature andnumeric feature Relative importance of numeric feature wrt target # Last amended: 25th Feb, 2022# A graphical analysis of relationships & structureMy folder: D:\data\OneDrive\Documents\healthcare_analytics_program\ha_datasets\HeartDisease UCIData Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/heart%2BDisease Relationship of two cat-features with numerical feature Relationship between twonumeric features chest-pain-typevsfasting blood sugarNO Reltionshipsex, chest_pain, fasting_blood_sugar, restecg, exang, slope, ca, thalHeart Diseasedatasetfrom UCIslopevsrestecgNo RelationshipcavstargetRelationshipauobin five continuousfeaturesFixed number of bins: 4renameageage (binned)serum-cholestrol (binned)oldpeak (binned)targetvscontinuous features conditional boxplotsOne numericagainstmany categoricalNode 28p-valueRelationship bentweentarget and each of continuousStart with 50%color targetsubsetted by targetcolor 'target'groups:chest-pain-typePivots: exangset chest-pain-typeto RowIDInvestigate why0-2 combinationis very hightarget to numberchest_pain_typevsage, oldpeakage vs othersone-by-oneMosaic plot between twocategorical columns Number To String CSV Reader Normalizer Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Auto-Binner Column Rename Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Conditionaldensity plot Multiple conditionaldensity plots Multiple conditionalviolin plots Conditional boxplots ofmultiple numeric columns Multiple boxplots ordensity plots side-by-side Andrews plot RadViz plot Multiple side-by-side conditionalboxplots of one numeric target ParallelCoordinates Plot Independentgroups t-test Row Sampling Color Manager ConditionalBox Plot Color Manager Pivoting RowID HeatMap(JFreeChart) String To Number One-way ANOVA Scatter Plot(local) Relationship between two cat features Relationship between numeric and cat feature Relative importance ofnumeric feature wrt target Is there structure in data? Relative importance of numericfeature wrt target Independence of cat feature andnumeric feature Relative importance of numeric feature wrt target # Last amended: 25th Feb, 2022# A graphical analysis of relationships & structureMy folder: D:\data\OneDrive\Documents\healthcare_analytics_program\ha_datasets\HeartDisease UCIData Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/heart%2BDisease Relationship of two cat-features with numerical feature Relationship between twonumeric features chest-pain-typevsfasting blood sugarNO Reltionshipsex, chest_pain, fasting_blood_sugar, restecg, exang, slope, ca, thalHeart Diseasedatasetfrom UCIslopevsrestecgNo RelationshipcavstargetRelationshipauobin five continuousfeaturesFixed number of bins: 4renameageage (binned)serum-cholestrol (binned)oldpeak (binned)targetvscontinuous features conditional boxplotsOne numericagainstmany categoricalNode 28p-valueRelationship bentweentarget and each of continuousStart with 50%color targetsubsetted by targetcolor 'target'groups:chest-pain-typePivots: exangset chest-pain-typeto RowIDInvestigate why0-2 combinationis very hightarget to numberchest_pain_typevsage, oldpeakage vs othersone-by-oneMosaic plot between twocategorical columns Number To String CSV Reader Normalizer Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Auto-Binner Column Rename Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Mosaic plot between twocategorical columns Conditionaldensity plot Multiple conditionaldensity plots Multiple conditionalviolin plots Conditional boxplots ofmultiple numeric columns Multiple boxplots ordensity plots side-by-side Andrews plot RadViz plot Multiple side-by-side conditionalboxplots of one numeric target ParallelCoordinates Plot Independentgroups t-test Row Sampling Color Manager ConditionalBox Plot Color Manager Pivoting RowID HeatMap(JFreeChart) String To Number One-way ANOVA Scatter Plot(local)


