
Big Data Group Project (Sara2)

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Missing values treatment Node 1Node 3 SatisfiedNode 5DissatisfiedNode 7Node 8Node 10Node 11Node 22Node 50Node 51Node 52Node 362CSV Reader Statistics Row Filter Missing Value Row Filter Missing Value Concatenate Linear Correlation Column Filter Rule Engine Data explorationand preparation Column Filter Partitioning Gradient Boostingoptimization loop Gradient boosting with optimizedparameteres + features selection Missing values treatment Node 1Node 3 SatisfiedNode 5DissatisfiedNode 7Node 8Node 10Node 11Node 22Node 50Node 51Node 52Node 362CSV Reader Statistics Row Filter Missing Value Row Filter Missing Value Concatenate Linear Correlation Column Filter Rule Engine Data explorationand preparation Column Filter Partitioning Gradient Boostingoptimization loop Gradient boosting with optimizedparameteres + features selection


