
JustKnimeit S3C3

Challenge 3: Real Estate AnalyticsDescription: You are a real estate agent working in a new city, and to perform well your first taskinvolves understanding the houses in the region better. A colleague shares a dataset with you andnow it’s time for you to explore it. What has been the average housing price, lot size (in acres),and living space (in sqft) in this city, according to her dataset? How are prices distributed andcorrelated with housing features? What other insights can you gather from this dataset? DataCounty Name DictJoin NamesBasic ETL CSV Reader Table Creator Joiner Vizestate ETL Key Info Insights Challenge 3: Real Estate AnalyticsDescription: You are a real estate agent working in a new city, and to perform well your first taskinvolves understanding the houses in the region better. A colleague shares a dataset with you andnow it’s time for you to explore it. What has been the average housing price, lot size (in acres),and living space (in sqft) in this city, according to her dataset? How are prices distributed andcorrelated with housing features? What other insights can you gather from this dataset? DataCounty Name DictJoin NamesBasic ETL CSV Reader Table Creator Joiner Vizestate ETL Key Info Insights


