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Just Knime it - Season 2Challenge 17: Better Workflows with Error Handling and Logging Node 12Node 15airNode 17Node 21Node 24Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 31Node 32Node 54 CSV Reader GroupBy Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) ChoroplethWorld Map ConstantValue Column Rank Top k Row Filter Extract ContextProperties CSV Writer Variable ToTable Row Variable Creator Inject Variables(Data) Variable ToTable Column Breakpoint Active BranchInverter Table RowTo Variable Just Knime it - Season 2Challenge 17: Better Workflows with Error Handling and Logging Node 12Node 15airNode 17Node 21Node 24Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 31Node 32Node 54 CSV Reader GroupBy Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) ChoroplethWorld Map ConstantValue Column Rank Top k Row Filter Extract ContextProperties CSV Writer Variable ToTable Row Variable Creator Inject Variables(Data) Variable ToTable Column Breakpoint Active BranchInverter Table RowTo Variable


