
Recursive Workflow Caller

This workflow demonstrates how we can use the Call Workflow (Table based) node and a recursive loop to recursively call multiple workflows, always passing the output of the last workflow to the input of the next.

List of workflowsData for firstcallWorkflow foriterationCall workflow(appends column with workflow name)Collect onlylast iterationExtract numRowsas maximum numberof iterations forRecursive Loop EndList Files/Folders Data Generator RecursiveLoop Start Java SnippetRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Call Workflow(Table Based) Recursive Loop End Extract TableDimension List of workflowsData for firstcallWorkflow foriterationCall workflow(appends column with workflow name)Collect onlylast iterationExtract numRowsas maximum numberof iterations forRecursive Loop EndList Files/Folders Data Generator RecursiveLoop Start Java SnippetRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Call Workflow(Table Based) Recursive Loop End Extract TableDimension


