

This directory contains 32 workflows.

IconBinary Operations 

This workflow demonstrates logical binary operations on active/inactive workflow branches. This can be useful to (de)activate branches in a workflow based […]

IconColumn Pair Loop 

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

IconComponent Checker 

This WebPortal workflow searches the repository of a KNIME Server for all workflows and the components used in them. The user can enter a component name (or […]

IconCustom POST 

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

IconFiltering Cells containing String 

This workflow shows how using Unpivoting and Pivoting allows us to filter all cells in a certain table. In this example, we only want to keep cells that […]

IconHub Workflow List 

This workflow demonstrates how the KNIME Business Hub API can be used to get a list of teams and to recursively retrieve a list of all Hub items.

IconInventory Cover 

This workflow demonstrates the usage of a recursive loop for inventory cover calculation. The algorithm calculates the cover for an inventory. For each […]