
Choropleth Map Examples

Choropleth Map Examples
Location infomration column can contain ISO-2 codes of different countries. Location infomration column can contain ISO-2 codes of different states/regions/provinces of a country. A simple exmaple of world choropleth map to visualize ladder score ofdifferent countries around the world. An example of visualizing a choropleth map of different states in US. USA Population DataGender Wage Gap DatasetWorld HapinessReportGermany states data exampleItaly data example Choropleth Map CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Table Creator Choropleth Map Choropleth Map Choropleth Map Choropleth Map Location infomration column can contain ISO-2 codes of different countries. Location infomration column can contain ISO-2 codes of different states/regions/provinces of a country. A simple exmaple of world choropleth map to visualize ladder score ofdifferent countries around the world. An example of visualizing a choropleth map of different states in US. USA Population DataGender Wage Gap DatasetWorld HapinessReportGermany states data exampleItaly data example Choropleth Map CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Table Creator Choropleth Map Choropleth Map Choropleth Map Choropleth Map


