Logistic Regression Predict VAL

Logistic Regression function model can be passed to a Logistic Regression Scoring function to create a score output containing predicted values of the dependent variable. There is an additional required input table that specifies the model used by the VALIB LogReg function.


Specifies the name(s) of the column(s) from the input to retain in the output.
Estimate Column
Specifies the name of a column in the score output containing the estimated value of the dependent variable (column).
Index Columns
Specifies the name(s) of the column(s) representing the primary index of the score output
Probability Column
Specifies the name of a column in the score output containing the probability that the dependent value is equal to the response value.
Probability Threshold
Specifies the probability threshold value.
Output Schema
Output Schema, if Volatile is true then use user login as the schema.
Output Table
Output Table
VAL Location
VAL Location

Input Ports

Connection to a Teradata Database Instance
Logistic Regression Predict VAL input
Logistic Regression Predict VAL input

Output Ports

Logistic Regression Predict VAL output


