
fastpath function records all the parameters required for TD_OneHotEncodingTransform function. i.e, target attributes and their categorical values to be encoded and other parameters. Output of TD_OneHotEncodingFit function is used by TD_OneHotEncodingTransform function for encoding the input data. It supports inputs in both sparse and dense format


Specifies whether to determine categories automatically from the input table data (AUTO approach) or the user provided list (LIST approach).
Specifies the input table column which contains attribute names. This argument is used when Input is in sparse format.
CategoricalValues (strings seperated by new line)
A list of categorical values which are to encoded in one-hot form. This argument should be used when the Input format is dense.
Specify the CategoryTable column which contains the category values.
CategoryCounts (integers seperated by new line)
Specifies category counts for each of the TargetColumns. The number of values in CategoryCounts should be the same as the number of TargetColumns.
Specify whether input is in dense format or sparse format.
OtherAttributeNames (strings seperated by new line)
A list of attribute names representing one-hot encoding for values other than the categorical values present in the input table for the attributes specified in the TargetAttributes argument. This argument should be used when the Input format is sparse.
OtherColumnName (strings seperated by new line)
Column name for the column representing one-hot encoding for values other than the ones specified in the CategoricalValues argument. This argument should be used when the Input format is dense. Default: 'other'
Output Schema
Output Schema, if Volatile is true then use user login as the schema.
Output Table
Output Table
VAL Location
VAL Location
TargetAttributes (strings seperated by new line)
A list of attributes for which encoding should be performed. This argument should be used when the Input format is sparse.
Specifies the input table columns which is to be encoded. This argument is used when Input is in dense format.
Specify the CategoryTable column which contains the names of the target columns.
Specifies whether the table should be a VOLATILE table. If true, then the table is automatically deleted, otherwise it is users responsibility to remove or clean it up for space.
Specifies the input table column which contains attribute values. This argument is used when Input is in sparse format.

Input Ports

Connection to a Teradata Database Instance
The relation that contains input data.
Specifies the table containing the input categories for LIST approach.

Output Ports

output of TD_OneHotEncodingFit


