
Core constraint

Compounds are docked with a core constraint using the MCS with the reference ligand.

Inspect visually the posesMolecule titleLigands in tubeProteinligandsActive compounds1ac4 Core constraint reference file to be used in the docking node configuration 1AC4Core MCS constraint.Skip if it doesn't matchDisabled Run Maestro Extract Properties Run Maestro Command Row Splitter Molecule Reader(to MAE) Glide Grid Reader Molecule Writer(from MAE) Row Filter Glide LigandDocking LigPrep Concatenate Config Testing Inspect visually the posesMolecule titleLigands in tubeProteinligandsActive compounds1ac4 Core constraint reference file to be used in the docking node configuration 1AC4Core MCS constraint.Skip if it doesn't matchDisabled Run Maestro Extract Properties Run Maestro Command Row Splitter Molecule Reader(to MAE) Glide Grid Reader Molecule Writer(from MAE) Row Filter Glide LigandDocking LigPrep Concatenate Config Testing


