

Warning, please use this section with care, this might take quite some time based on your internet connection. This part will generate an table containing the aggregated statistics for all AirBNB - Grab and aggregate Data from different citiesThis workflow can be used to grab more or more recent data from inside airbBNB. For our analysis we only needed the calendar data. Of course you can also use the workflow to download other files.The source files will be saved in the folder data/_all and the aggregated file under _aggregation. Please note that the middle part of the workflow will download one file after the other and than directlyprocess it. This workflow is part of the model factory eco system. Please refer to our white paper for further details.URL: http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html Node 1Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Create aggregated for allNode 18output folder definitionknime://knime.workflow:/../data/_allNode 34Node 37Node 62Node 64Node 65http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.htmlNode 79Node 80Node 84 List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Reader Loop End GroupBy Table Writer String to URI String Manipulation Column Filter String to URI Variable Loop End Process one city Parse Result,get links Only newest file percity and filename Get HTML Page Chunk Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Download /Upload from List output Path Select FileType and Cities Warning, please use this section with care, this might take quite some time based on your internet connection. This part will generate an table containing the aggregated statistics for all AirBNB - Grab and aggregate Data from different citiesThis workflow can be used to grab more or more recent data from inside airbBNB. For our analysis we only needed the calendar data. Of course you can also use the workflow to download other files.The source files will be saved in the folder data/_all and the aggregated file under _aggregation. Please note that the middle part of the workflow will download one file after the other and than directlyprocess it. This workflow is part of the model factory eco system. Please refer to our white paper for further details.URL: http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html Node 1Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Create aggregated for allNode 18output folder definitionknime://knime.workflow:/../data/_allNode 34Node 37Node 62Node 64Node 65http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.htmlNode 79Node 80Node 84List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Reader Loop End GroupBy Table Writer String to URI String Manipulation Column Filter String to URI Variable Loop End Process one city Parse Result,get links Only newest file percity and filename Get HTML Page Chunk Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Download /Upload from List output Path Select FileType and Cities


