

Network creation and analysis Data loading Text processing and sentiment analysis Visualization of combined results from text and network mining This workflow combines two pre-processing techniques: network analytics and text processing. link post user with referenced post/threaduserextract the largestsubnet from thenetworkedge table weighted by count of postsfilter article and comments of anonymous userspreprocessingcompute authority & hubscoreaccumulation ofpositive and negative word frequencies, user scoring and binningtag cloud ofselected authortag positive wordstag negative wordsauthors on a scatter plotauth score vs. hub scorecolored by sentimenttag clouds ofmost positive andmost negative authorslashdotsubjectivity corpus Object Inserter Extract largestcomponent Create edge table Preprocessing Subjectivity Corpus Network Analyzer Document Creation User Scoring Tag Cloud ofSelected Author Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Scores & Sentimenton Scatter Plot Most Positive /Negative Author Tag Cloud Table Reader File Reader(Complex Format) Joiner Network creation and analysis Data loading Text processing and sentiment analysis Visualization of combined results from text and network mining This workflow combines two pre-processing techniques: network analytics and text processing. link post user with referenced post/threaduserextract the largestsubnet from thenetworkedge table weighted by count of postsfilter article and comments of anonymous userspreprocessingcompute authority & hubscoreaccumulation ofpositive and negative word frequencies, user scoring and binningtag cloud ofselected authortag positive wordstag negative wordsauthors on a scatter plotauth score vs. hub scorecolored by sentimenttag clouds ofmost positive andmost negative authorslashdotsubjectivity corpus Object Inserter Extract largestcomponent Create edge table Preprocessing Subjectivity Corpus Network Analyzer Document Creation User Scoring Tag Cloud ofSelected Author Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Scores & Sentimenton Scatter Plot Most Positive /Negative Author Tag Cloud Table Reader File Reader(Complex Format) Joiner


