
Ensemble docking

Ensemble Docking

Dock ligands into multiple conformations of the binding site and report the best pose per ligand.

[Requires: Glide]

Ensemble Docking: Dock ligands into multiple conformations of the binding site and report the best pose per ligand.[Requires: Glide]Grid, score and molecule titleTitle,ScoreBest pose per ligandScores Ensemble docking Poses generated by ensemble docking%file%2 conformations of the binding siteLigands to dock%file%Extract Properties Sorter GroupBy Sorter Glide LigandDocking Chunk Loop Start Loop End Table Viewer Molecule Writer(from MAE) Glide Grid Reader Molecule Reader(to MAE) Ensemble Docking: Dock ligands into multiple conformations of the binding site and report the best pose per ligand.[Requires: Glide]Grid, score and molecule titleTitle,ScoreBest pose per ligandScores Ensemble docking Poses generated by ensemble docking%file%2 conformations of the binding siteLigands to dock%file%Extract Properties Sorter GroupBy Sorter Glide LigandDocking Chunk Loop Start Loop End Table Viewer Molecule Writer(from MAE) Glide Grid Reader Molecule Reader(to MAE)


