
Swapping Row IDs

Input data Node 1Node 2Generate incrementalto be usedas positionRenameincremental columnto PositionDo theswappingof the namesConvert ROWIDto a columnso we can use itin Column ExpressionsRetrieve the valuescorrespondingto the swappednamesMove columnback asROWIDRemovePositionColumn Table Creator RowID Counter Generation Column Rename Column Expressions RowID Joiner RowID Column Filter Input data Node 1Node 2Generate incrementalto be usedas positionRenameincremental columnto PositionDo theswappingof the namesConvert ROWIDto a columnso we can use itin Column ExpressionsRetrieve the valuescorrespondingto the swappednamesMove columnback asROWIDRemovePositionColumn Table Creator RowID Counter Generation Column Rename Column Expressions RowID Joiner RowID Column Filter


