
Creating additional rows based on time in existing rows

Creating additional rows based on the difference between times on existing rows

Finds difference between times, uses this to create additional rows and then timeshifts based on the hor offset

Sample DataTimes from stringsDiff inhoursCreate required additionalrowsActually workshereas Long to IntAdd timeto "hour offset"repurpose time diff columnas "hour offset" for row, usingthe "ranking"tidy uptidy upcreate an"original row"identifier.To be used laterfor groupingfind rankingfor each rowwithin original rowgroupingExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference One Row to Many Double To Int Date&Time Shift Math Formula Column Filter Column Rename Counter Generation Rank Sample DataTimes from stringsDiff inhoursCreate required additionalrowsActually workshereas Long to IntAdd timeto "hour offset"repurpose time diff columnas "hour offset" for row, usingthe "ranking"tidy uptidy upcreate an"original row"identifier.To be used laterfor groupingfind rankingfor each rowwithin original rowgroupingExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference One Row to Many Double To Int Date&Time Shift Math Formula Column Filter Column Rename Counter Generation Rank


