
Forum - build a sequence of rows

Demonstrates building a sequence of rows from a given starting point in a table, using One Row to Many and Rank nodes

Sample Datawith plainnumericNote the originalrowidduplicate therowsset the new rowvalue basedon the sequencegeneratesequence within each group, from 1 onwardstidy upSample Datawth alphanumericNote the originalrowidduplicate therowsgeneratesequence within each group, from 1 onwardsseparate thecode lettersfrom code numbertidy upset the new rowvalue basedon the sequenceFix col namesCodeNumberas integerJoin code lettersand code numberback into Start NumberTable Creator RowID One Row to Many Math Formula Rank Column Filter Table Creator RowID One Row to Many Rank Regex Split Column Filter Math Formula Column Rename String To Number String Manipulation Sample Datawith plainnumericNote the originalrowidduplicate therowsset the new rowvalue basedon the sequencegeneratesequence within each group, from 1 onwardstidy upSample Datawth alphanumericNote the originalrowidduplicate therowsgeneratesequence within each group, from 1 onwardsseparate thecode lettersfrom code numbertidy upset the new rowvalue basedon the sequenceFix col namesCodeNumberas integerJoin code lettersand code numberback into Start NumberTable Creator RowID One Row to Many Math Formula Rank Column Filter Table Creator RowID One Row to Many Rank Regex Split Column Filter Math Formula Column Rename String To Number String Manipulation


