

Modified from @takbb in "Find Header Row For Excel":https://forum.knime.com/t/using-an-excel-map-file-to-replace-concepts-in-excel-source-file/33637/6 Excel input looks like thisSearch String "Year"Generate 1-based rownumberLook for required String in Col ASplit first row with headernamesCounter to variableRemove missingcolumnsReplace column headersin dataRead column namesfrom unpivoted 'ColumnNames'and sed to LoopLoop feederSearch in any columnCounter to variableNode 16Node 21Node 23Earliest rowcontaining the requiredstring in any ColumnRemove 'wording above'Generate two columns:aiming to correlate current column names with new column names in next noderemoveCounterSplit first row with headernames Table Creator String Input Counter Generation Row Filter Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable Missing ValueColumn Filter Insert ColumnHeader Unpivoting Column Filter Group Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Empty Table Switch Loop End End IF GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Unpivoting Column Filter Row Splitter Modified from @takbb in "Find Header Row For Excel":https://forum.knime.com/t/using-an-excel-map-file-to-replace-concepts-in-excel-source-file/33637/6 Excel input looks like thisSearch String "Year"Generate 1-based rownumberLook for required String in Col ASplit first row with headernamesCounter to variableRemove missingcolumnsReplace column headersin dataRead column namesfrom unpivoted 'ColumnNames'and sed to LoopLoop feederSearch in any columnCounter to variableNode 16Node 21Node 23Earliest rowcontaining the requiredstring in any ColumnRemove 'wording above'Generate two columns:aiming to correlate current column names with new column names in next noderemoveCounterSplit first row with headernames Table Creator String Input Counter Generation Row Filter Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable Missing ValueColumn Filter Insert ColumnHeader Unpivoting Column Filter Group Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Empty Table Switch Loop End End IF GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Unpivoting Column Filter Row Splitter


