
Pagination YouTube API version A_​EX

Option A Option B First part of the URL(fixed)Your API KeyOne video IDof your choiceget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupJoining the new pagination tokento the fixed URLNode 381block non-pagicheck nextPageTokenstart paginiation loopNode 387Node 388Node 389get comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupget nextPageTokencleanupget nextPageTokencleanupexit varnext page?finalcleanupessential onlyget nextPageTokencleanupport selector to varpagi vs non-pagistart paginiation loopget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupcleanupexit varnext page?end paginiation loopget nextPageTokenget commentsthreadJoining the new pagination tokento the fixed URLport selectorget comment propertiesmergeungroup propertiescleanupget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupfinal Table Creator GET Request Table Creator Column Appender String Manipulation Table Creator Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter String Manipulation IF Switch Empty Table Switch Rule-basedRow Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End GET Request Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions End IF Column Filter Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter Table Rowto Variable IF Switch RecursiveLoop Start JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Recursive Loop End JSON Path GET Request String Manipulation Column Expressions JSON Path Concatenate Ungroup Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter End IF Option A Option B First part of the URL(fixed)Your API KeyOne video IDof your choiceget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupJoining the new pagination tokento the fixed URLNode 381block non-pagicheck nextPageTokenstart paginiation loopNode 387Node 388Node 389get comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupget nextPageTokencleanupget nextPageTokencleanupexit varnext page?finalcleanupessential onlyget nextPageTokencleanupport selector to varpagi vs non-pagistart paginiation loopget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupcleanupexit varnext page?end paginiation loopget nextPageTokenget commentsthreadJoining the new pagination tokento the fixed URLport selectorget comment propertiesmergeungroup propertiescleanupget comment propertiesungroup propertiescleanupfinal Table Creator GET Request Table Creator Column Appender String Manipulation Table Creator Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter String Manipulation IF Switch Empty Table Switch Rule-basedRow Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End GET Request Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions End IF Column Filter Column Filter JSON Path Column Filter Table Rowto Variable IF Switch RecursiveLoop Start JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Recursive Loop End JSON Path GET Request String Manipulation Column Expressions JSON Path Concatenate Ungroup Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter End IF


