

Define CNN architecture Loading Images units: 64activation: ReLU dropout: 0.5units: 3activation: softmaxshape: 150, 150, 3filters: 32kernel size: 3x3activation: ReLUpool size: 2x2units: 64kernel size: 3x3activation: ReLUpool size: 2x2Node 244Apply the modelon new dataNode 324Image / 255.0150, 150, 3Node 327Node 328Node 329Node 330Node 331Node 351Keras Dense Layer Keras Dropout Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Max Pooling2D Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Max Pooling2D Layer Keras Flatten Layer Keras NetworkExecutor Category To Number Image Calculator Image Resizer Create CollectionColumn Partitioning Image Reader Rule Engine Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkWriter Define CNN architecture Loading Images units: 64activation: ReLU dropout: 0.5units: 3activation: softmaxshape: 150, 150, 3filters: 32kernel size: 3x3activation: ReLUpool size: 2x2units: 64kernel size: 3x3activation: ReLUpool size: 2x2Node 244Apply the modelon new dataNode 324Image / 255.0150, 150, 3Node 327Node 328Node 329Node 330Node 331Node 351Keras Dense Layer Keras Dropout Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Max Pooling2D Layer Keras Convolution2D Layer Keras Max Pooling2D Layer Keras Flatten Layer Keras NetworkExecutor Category To Number Image Calculator Image Resizer Create CollectionColumn Partitioning Image Reader Rule Engine Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkWriter


