
forum- excel delete shift cel up -modified

In this one, Cell Splitter, splits the second part of the string andtreat it as INT instead of STRING, the counter columns lose their Trimming under Cell Splitter, tries to recognize the split column asINT but sees the original 0001 String as it should Mismatch number of rows- I was under the impression during theloop all modifications would be performed within the Loop. I amconfused why it's trying to match the rows from one column toanother. That is exactly why I made the counter within the loop, soeach column would have its own to later on be able to treat themseparately. These should all work one columnat a timeuse flow variable "currentColumnName"Node 13015Node 13021Loop Runactually thenit endsreplaceoldrowidGreat idea!one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsrevert namefrom ANONYMOUSback toTargetNode 13050one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsNode 13053revert namefrom ColLoopback toTargetNode 13055Node 13056Convert backNo. to StringNode 13058Node 13059Node 13060one columnat a timeNode 13062Loop Runactually thenit endsNode 13065one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsLoop Runactually thenit endsNode 13069one columnat a timeNode 13071Node 13072Node 13073Node 13074revert namefrom ColLoopback toTargetNode 13076Node 13077Node 13078Convert backNo. to StringNode 13080revert namefrom ANONYMOUSback toTargetNode 13083Manually aggregate the columninto a list[], excluding missingvaluesAt the end we have a tableof one rowexpand the lists backoutEnsure totalrows is same asat beginningGet initialrow countso we use add empty rowsat end to ensure the correctrow count remains unchangedNeed to ensure consistentrowid for each column collectedat loop end so it keeps the "blanks"at the endEnsure totalrows is same asat beginningNow remove the empty rows table-wideNow remove the empty rows table-wideturn on its sideaggregate all columnsto a list, skippingmissing valuesturn back the right wayungroupColumn ListLoop Start Row Filter Cell Splitter Ungroup Loop End (ColumnAppend) RowID Remove Empty Rows Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Rename(Regex) Row Filter Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Counter Generation Column Rename(Regex) Column Expressions Column Rename(Regex) Number To String RowID Column Aggregator GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Column Rename(Regex) Loop End (ColumnAppend) original_data Column Rename(Regex) Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Loop End (ColumnAppend) GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Row Filter Column Expressions Column Rename(Regex) Counter Generation Column Rename(Regex) Ungroup Cell Splitter Column Aggregator Number To String RowID Column Rename(Regex) Column ListLoop Start GroupBy Loop End (ColumnAppend) Ungroup Add Empty Rows Extract TableDimension RowID Add Empty Rows Remove Empty Rows Remove Empty Rows Transpose Column Aggregator Transpose Ungroup In this one, Cell Splitter, splits the second part of the string andtreat it as INT instead of STRING, the counter columns lose their Trimming under Cell Splitter, tries to recognize the split column asINT but sees the original 0001 String as it should Mismatch number of rows- I was under the impression during theloop all modifications would be performed within the Loop. I amconfused why it's trying to match the rows from one column toanother. That is exactly why I made the counter within the loop, soeach column would have its own to later on be able to treat themseparately. These should all work one columnat a timeuse flow variable "currentColumnName"Node 13015Node 13021Loop Runactually thenit endsreplaceoldrowidGreat idea!one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsrevert namefrom ANONYMOUSback toTargetNode 13050one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsNode 13053revert namefrom ColLoopback toTargetNode 13055Node 13056Convert backNo. to StringNode 13058Node 13059Node 13060one columnat a timeNode 13062Loop Runactually thenit endsNode 13065one columnat a timeLoop Runactually thenit endsLoop Runactually thenit endsNode 13069one columnat a timeNode 13071Node 13072Node 13073Node 13074revert namefrom ColLoopback toTargetNode 13076Node 13077Node 13078Convert backNo. to StringNode 13080revert namefrom ANONYMOUSback toTargetNode 13083Manually aggregate the columninto a list[], excluding missingvaluesAt the end we have a tableof one rowexpand the lists backoutEnsure totalrows is same asat beginningGet initialrow countso we use add empty rowsat end to ensure the correctrow count remains unchangedNeed to ensure consistentrowid for each column collectedat loop end so it keeps the "blanks"at the endEnsure totalrows is same asat beginningNow remove the empty rows table-wideNow remove the empty rows table-wideturn on its sideaggregate all columnsto a list, skippingmissing valuesturn back the right wayungroupColumn ListLoop Start Row Filter Cell Splitter Ungroup Loop End (ColumnAppend) RowID Remove Empty Rows Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Rename(Regex) Row Filter Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Counter Generation Column Rename(Regex) Column Expressions Column Rename(Regex) Number To String RowID Column Aggregator GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Column Rename(Regex) Loop End (ColumnAppend) original_data Column Rename(Regex) Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Loop End (ColumnAppend) GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Row Filter Column Expressions Column Rename(Regex) Counter Generation Column Rename(Regex) Ungroup Cell Splitter Column Aggregator Number To String RowID Column Rename(Regex) Column ListLoop Start GroupBy Loop End (ColumnAppend) Ungroup Add Empty Rows Extract TableDimension RowID Add Empty Rows Remove Empty Rows Remove Empty Rows Transpose Column Aggregator Transpose Ungroup


