
Split delimited string, replace and regroup

Splitting a delimited string into a String List, then performing regex to pull out specific parts of the strings and then regrouping, whilst retaining the row and column structure.
ungroup the string listinto individual rowskeep original column nameperform string replacementon the ungrouped (#1) columnto pull out the extensionssample datagroup byoriginal rowIDgenerate unique concatenation of extensionsand unique extensions countappend extensioncolumntidy upsplit delimitedstring into String Liststore originalRowIDprior to ungroupingso we canjoin back laterrename columnafter string splitterUngroup String Replacer Table Creator GroupBy Value Lookup Table Manipulator Cell Splitter RowID Column Renamer ungroup the string listinto individual rowskeep original column nameperform string replacementon the ungrouped (#1) columnto pull out the extensionssample datagroup byoriginal rowIDgenerate unique concatenation of extensionsand unique extensions countappend extensioncolumntidy upsplit delimitedstring into String Liststore originalRowIDprior to ungroupingso we canjoin back laterrename columnafter string splitterUngroup String Replacer Table Creator GroupBy Value Lookup Table Manipulator Cell Splitter RowID Column Renamer


