
Backup Workflows (Batch Mode)

Backup all local Workflows

This workflow will create a backup of all workflows inside the current workspace and transfer the generated .knar file to the configured local folder (can also be a folder that for example is synced to Google Drive).

The workflows are backed-up in a "reseted status" to save space. This "resetting" is achieved by only copying the needed files to a temp folder and zipping that folder. This also removes any data or temp folder in the workflows "data" directory.
However certain nodes have their own additional internal store so for some nodes it's possible that not all data is removed which can blow up the size of the backup.

Consider this workflow alpha-stage and use at your own risk. For sure do a trial back-up and restore test to see if it works for all of your workflows.

Note that due to copying a lot of small files, this backup can run for a pretty long time depending on the amount of workflows you have and their complexity.

Node 57Node 62Node 65Node 71Node 81Node 106Node 111Node 112Node 115Node 118Node 121List Files/Folders Row Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Is Workflow Copy Workflowto Temp Move into Directory CompressFiles/Folder Zip File Name Temp Folder Input and Prepare Transfer Files Node 57Node 62Node 65Node 71Node 81Node 106Node 111Node 112Node 115Node 118Node 121List Files/Folders Row Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Is Workflow Copy Workflowto Temp Move into Directory CompressFiles/Folder Zip File Name Temp Folder Input and Prepare Transfer Files


