
Expand Year Range to individual rows

Find Yearsusing regexFill missing start yearHow many rows will we need?Convert to IntGenerate the rowsWe need a column to useas a groupingidentifier so thatwe can use the Rank nodeto provide a counter "within"each set of "expanded" rowsGet a sequencenumber within each"group"Tidy upRename split_0as "StartYear"Determine end yearallowing forcentury boundaryFill missing end yearDerive value for seasonDemo excel sheetin workflow data folderCalculate valuefor StartYearCalculate valuefor yearRegex Split Rule Engine Math Formula String To Number One Row to Many Counter Generation Rank Column Filter Column Rename Math Formula Rule Engine String Manipulation Excel Reader Math Formula Math Formula Find Yearsusing regexFill missing start yearHow many rows will we need?Convert to IntGenerate the rowsWe need a column to useas a groupingidentifier so thatwe can use the Rank nodeto provide a counter "within"each set of "expanded" rowsGet a sequencenumber within each"group"Tidy upRename split_0as "StartYear"Determine end yearallowing forcentury boundaryFill missing end yearDerive value for seasonDemo excel sheetin workflow data folderCalculate valuefor StartYearCalculate valuefor yearRegex Split Rule Engine Math Formula String To Number One Row to Many Counter Generation Rank Column Filter Column Rename Math Formula Rule Engine String Manipulation Excel Reader Math Formula Math Formula


