
recursive loop

sampledatareduce toEntityType = GroupNode 4top: to outputbottom: back to loop startreduce to currentGroupNameoverwriteGroupNameiteration1: simple processinglater: loop over recursion tabledonothingNode 11loop overEntityNamereduce to currentGroupName and GroupDomainloop endEntityNameTable Creator Row Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Row Filter ConstantValue Column Java IF (Table) Cache End IF Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Rule-basedRow Filter Loop End select GroupName sampledatareduce toEntityType = GroupNode 4top: to outputbottom: back to loop startreduce to currentGroupNameoverwriteGroupNameiteration1: simple processinglater: loop over recursion tabledonothingNode 11loop overEntityNamereduce to currentGroupName and GroupDomainloop endEntityNameTable Creator Row Filter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Row Filter ConstantValue Column Java IF (Table) Cache End IF Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Rule-basedRow Filter Loop End select GroupName


