
Split domain names

Sample dataPublic Suffix ListJoin all data to public listfind matchesof suffixesMake regex patternrename to PublicSuffixStrip SuffixGet domainMain DomainRemove anyPublic suffixes thatare subsets of otherse.g. .uk and .co.ukshould retain only the "superset" variantFind subdomaintidy upused for sorting rowsback into orderlatertidy uptidy upRemove any spaces at endsof addressesTable Creator File Reader(Complex Format) Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Column Rename String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Joiner String Manipulation Column Filter Counter Generation Sorter RowID String Manipulation Sample dataPublic Suffix ListJoin all data to public listfind matchesof suffixesMake regex patternrename to PublicSuffixStrip SuffixGet domainMain DomainRemove anyPublic suffixes thatare subsets of otherse.g. .uk and .co.ukshould retain only the "superset" variantFind subdomaintidy upused for sorting rowsback into orderlatertidy uptidy upRemove any spaces at endsof addressesTable Creator File Reader(Complex Format) Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Column Rename String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Joiner String Manipulation Column Filter Counter Generation Sorter RowID String Manipulation


