
Eliminate rows that sums up to zero

Check if there are any negative values Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 5Find a combinationand remove accordinglyNode 8Set sum ofnegatives as avariableNode 16Node 17Node 18Node 19Node 20If there are negative valuesthen process (top)else do nothing for the group (bottom)Node 22Node 25Node 29Removeempty group(ex: case for A:-10+10)Sum of original dataSum after processing Table Creator Row Splitter GroupBy Math Formula Python Script Group Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter Extract TableDimension Table Columnto Variable Rule EngineVariable IF Switch End IF GroupBy Ungroup Row Filter GroupBy GroupBy Check if there are any negative values Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 5Find a combinationand remove accordinglyNode 8Set sum ofnegatives as avariableNode 16Node 17Node 18Node 19Node 20If there are negative valuesthen process (top)else do nothing for the group (bottom)Node 22Node 25Node 29Removeempty group(ex: case for A:-10+10)Sum of original dataSum after processing Table Creator Row Splitter GroupBy Math Formula Python Script Group Loop Start Table Rowto Variable Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter Extract TableDimension Table Columnto Variable Rule EngineVariable IF Switch End IF GroupBy Ungroup Row Filter GroupBy GroupBy


