
Changing Dates

Step 1 (Manual) Step 2 (Semi-Automated) Step 3 (Automated) Paste your input table here, containing only the 2mandatory columns (must be in the right order).The info obtained from the output of this node will be the input for Node X.Node X:Manually set your calendar range based on the info from the Extract Node's output.Last Date of the Corresponding MonthReference TableResults (Unsorted)Items under OpportunityItems Under ProcessingResults (Sorted - Optional)Adding Colors (Optional)Combinationof Tables Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Create Date&TimeRange Column Expressions Table Creator Concatenate Metanode Metanode Sorter Color Manager Metanode Metanode Step 1 (Manual) Step 2 (Semi-Automated) Step 3 (Automated) Paste your input table here, containing only the 2mandatory columns (must be in the right order).The info obtained from the output of this node will be the input for Node X.Node X:Manually set your calendar range based on the info from the Extract Node's output.Last Date of the Corresponding MonthReference TableResults (Unsorted)Items under OpportunityItems Under ProcessingResults (Sorted - Optional)Adding Colors (Optional)Combinationof Tables Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Create Date&TimeRange Column Expressions Table Creator Concatenate Metanode Metanode Sorter Color Manager Metanode Metanode


