

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with the no-coding approach using the NumericOutliers, Histogram and Scatter Matrix nodes.Perform modeling using the chosen features.Data source: Housing data from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Observe correlationamong featuresRead HousingData from UCIPlot the histogramfor median housevaluesFind andremoveoutliersFind featureswith strongest corr.10-fold CVNode 8Run predictionGet RM andMEDV onlyGet LSTATand MEDV onlyRun prediction10-fold CVNode 15ResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesBuild themodelBuild themodellog lstatCheck correlation10-fold CVRun predictionNode 32ResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesBuild themodel Scatter Matrix CSV Reader Histogram(JavaScript) Numeric Outliers Linear Correlation X-Partitioner X-Aggregator RegressionPredictor Column Filter Column Filter X-Aggregator X-Partitioner RegressionPredictor Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Linear RegressionLearner PolynomialRegression Learner Column Expressions Scatter Matrix X-Partitioner RegressionPredictor X-Aggregator Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Linear RegressionLearner Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with the no-coding approach using the NumericOutliers, Histogram and Scatter Matrix nodes.Perform modeling using the chosen features.Data source: Housing data from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Observe correlationamong featuresRead HousingData from UCIPlot the histogramfor median housevaluesFind andremoveoutliersFind featureswith strongest corr.10-fold CVNode 8Run predictionGet RM andMEDV onlyGet LSTATand MEDV onlyRun prediction10-fold CVNode 15ResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesBuild themodelBuild themodellog lstatCheck correlation10-fold CVRun predictionNode 32ResidualsPlot Residualsvs Predicted ValuesBuild themodelScatter Matrix CSV Reader Histogram(JavaScript) Numeric Outliers Linear Correlation X-Partitioner X-Aggregator RegressionPredictor Column Filter Column Filter X-Aggregator X-Partitioner RegressionPredictor Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Linear RegressionLearner PolynomialRegression Learner Column Expressions Scatter Matrix X-Partitioner RegressionPredictor X-Aggregator Column Expressions Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Linear RegressionLearner


