There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.
We use this node to rebin the data, this should be one of the first steps in preprocessing the mass spectrometry data. This is aimed to convert […]
We use this to denoise inherently noisy MSI datasets, from a choice of 3 different smoothing methods.
Node for performing Normalized cuts algorithm on Spectral data, where the spectra are stored in the rows of a DataTable.
This node is useful for performing Self orgranizng map clustering in KNIIME.
Node used to visualize clusters in KNIME.
This is a node which calculates and sketches a mean or a basepeak spectrum.
This node allows for single spectra intensities to be plotted against m/z onto a single chart and saved as a JPEG.
This node allows for a single spectra intensity to be plotted against m/z onto a single chart.
This node allows for multiple spectra intensities to be plotted onto a single chart and displayed in a view.
This node allows for grayscale visualization of several m/z channels in MSI datasets.
Do you have feedback, questions, comments about NodePit, want to support this platform, or want your own nodes or workflows listed here as well? Do you think, the search results could be improved or something is missing? Then please get in touch! Alternatively, you can send us an email to
Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.